First runninground for the year, out in the woods... omg. My fitness is not so good it has been
But I survived and made it quite well.
Första löprundan för i år i skogen... omg. Konditionen e inte va den har varit ... =D
One of our squirrels... we have 3 of them ! They are soo cute ! And they are not friends everytime they are eating. Sometimes they're hunting eachothers like lunatics !
But they are very acrobatic =D This one is hanging in his backlegs in the dispenser !! Hehehe!!
En av våra ekorrar... vi har 3 st ! Dom e ju såå söta ! Å dom e inte alltid vänner när dom äter, ibland far dom runt som stollar !
Men dom e väldigt akrobatiska =D Denna hänger i bakbenen i fågelmataren !! Hehehe
Right now I'm sitting in our lovely glased room just outside our house, and enjoying a little crocheting ^^ ... besides that I'm writing here on my blog =)
Just nu sitter ja i vårt underbara uterum å njuter av lite virkning ^^ ... förutom när ja sitter å skriver här på bloggen =)
Time for crocheting (virkning)
Cya m8es <3